Gain deeper insights about your customers and use it to wow them later.
Gain deeper insights about your customers and use it to wow them later.
Customer surveys are one of the most cost-effective ways to conduct market research. And, with Vision6 they’re super easy to create.
Create as many survey forms as you want in Vision6. Customer responses are automatically collated and you can export this data. Forms are brandable, flexible and customisable, so you can make them look the way you want. All of this means you can run as many surveys as you want without additional software.
Who has the time to create and populate separate lists for each survey? We sure don’t! Vision6 makes it super easy to have multiple surveys, with different designs, populating a single list at the same time.
Send unique surveys to certain age groups in your list or segment by location. Supercharge your survey power by A/B testing the design, questions or heading.
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